When Mario González and his wife, Delaina Ashley Yaun, went to Young’s Asian Massage in Acworth, Georgia, on Tuesday, it was supposed to be a relaxing treat. “She wanted a day just her and her husband, spend a little time together, all she wanted was their massages,” Yaun’s mother, Margaret Rushing, said. But when they were both nearing the end of their massages in separate rooms of the spa, González suddenly heard gunfire. “I couldn’t see anything, I only started thinking that it was in the room my wife was in,” González said in an interview with Mundo Hispánico. He managed to escape, but rather than receiving sympathy and help from law enforcement officers, González was immediately treated as a suspect. He was handcuffed and was only told hours later that his wife had died. She was one of eight people shot dead by alleged gunman Robert Aaron Long.
Latino Man Who Escaped Atlanta Spa Shooting Handcuffed for Two Hours While Wife Died Inside
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Link: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/03/mario-gonzalez-atlanta-spa-shooting-handcuffs.html